hey, everyone.

june is looking to be a quieter month on our end.

we had plans to release new designs and some long-awaited reruns in june, but you know what they say about the certainties in life — death, taxes, and production delays. all that stuff.

it’s life as usual in june, but july’s going to be extra awesome. promise.

here are some things you can look forward to.

our experiences with side effects have been just wonderful. they’re the most functional customising tech in the field, they’re made by the wonderfully brilliant people over at one drop, and they make perfect cornerstones for any challenging design project.

all that to say, it’s obvious to us that we had to have more of these in the works. we’re so happy with how the gravity, khuno, ari and noah turned out.

noahs and aris are scheduled for reruns, so for everyone who’s been asking for a restock, they’re just around the corner — high chance they’re ready in july. some special versions are on the table, too.

khunos have been slated for an update. with the khuno we made the first side effects bimetal design ever, and it remains a seminal entry in our body of work, but we have some ideas on getting it to the next level. dimensional tweaks, design simplification, some new materials. it’s our next iteration of the form factor, and we think it’s going to be a doozy.

for those who like to mix tinkering with performance as much as we do — keep a keen eye out.

initial feedback on these two guys have been incredible, too.

we’ve always canvassed for as much feedback during the prototyping stage, but with these guys that process has just been supercharged. variance in feedback is thrilling, but convergence is clarifying. we’ve got a pretty good idea of where to go from here.

on the aspect of releases, we are pretty set for the rest of 2022. we’ve got about eight designs in various stages of baking at the moment, and we can’t wait to share them with you, and see what you create with them.

what would you like to see from us? go wild in our comments section below — we’re listening.


